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BAVMODS BMW E92 Seatbelt Extender Arm Fix Hooks Installation Procedure
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BAVMODS BMW E92 Seatbelt Extender Arm Fix Hooks Installation Procedure

Method 1 (Preferred, OEM-fitment):

Step 1: Insert key into vehicle’s ignition, sit in seat and close vehicle door to make seatbelt extender arm extend out of door panel.

Step 2: Remove chrome trim-piece by wedging plastic pry-tool underneath to lift adhesive off. *NOTE: hold vehicle’s seatbelt extender arm firmly to prevent damage.*

Step 3: After chrome trim-pice is removed from arm, clean mating service with isoprobic alcohol and lint free cloth.

Step 4: Peel protective film from BAVMODS Seatbelt Extender Arm Hook’s adhesive tape and ensure not to touch adhesive.

Step 5: Line up Seatbelt Extender Arm Hook to desired fitment and firmly press onto extender arm for 10-15 seconds..

Step 6: Allow extender arm to sit for a 30 minute minimum to ensure adhesive adheres fully before any load is exerted.

Step 7: Enjoy working seatbelt extender arms!

Method 2 (Quicker, non-OEM fitment):

Step 1: Use isoproboc alcohol to clean the chrome trim of the seatbelt extender arm with a lint free cloth.

Step 2: Insert key into vehicle’s ignition, sit in seat and close vehicle door to make seatbelt extender arm extend out of door panel.

Step 3: Peel protective film from BAVMODS Seatbelt Extender Arm Hook’s adhesive tape and ensure not to touch adhesive.

Step 4: Line up Seatbelt Extender Arm Hook to desired fitment and firmly press onto chrome trim for 10-15 seconds..

Step 5: Allow extender arm to sit for a 30 minute minimum to ensure adhesive adheres fully before any load is exerted.

Step 6: Enjoy working seatbelt extender arms!